• Inphung Trading Company
  • introduction
Enterprise Name : Inphung Trading Company

The Inphung Trading Company in Jagang Province ensures business activities of the export goods production units in the province which depend on locally-available raw materials.
A silk mill under the company has normalized the production of quality silk thread by actively employing advanced technology, and turns out different cotton articles from by-products.
Based on abundant raw materials sources such as timber, nonferrous minerals, agricultural products and medicinal herbs, the company has expanded and reinforced production units and diversified trading activities, thus gaining huge economic profits.
Recently it has pushed forward with mine development and the processing of gabbro-diabase and other natural stones peculiar to the locality to secure sources of exports.
Its prospects are optimistic as it is diversifying its trading activities of regional peculiarity by relying on raw materials abundant in its region.
It will further consolidate its material and technical foundations by tapping export sources as much as possible, and intensify many-sided exchange and cooperation with foreign businesses for its sustainable development.